About Us
Little Tinkers registered in 2009 and is located in a converted barn near Five Ashes, East Sussex. The premises consists of two group rooms in the main building, both of which have direct access to fully enclosed outdoor play spaces, and a newly built outdoor classroom. The purpose built new building opens onto an enclosed decking area with access to an enclosed outdoor area consisting of a trampoline, outdoor stage, wooden ship and mud kitchen. Children also have access to: a park with a grass area, lake, and playground equipment; a large yurt; and a small woodland. There is also a small holding with livestock in the nursery grounds.
Little Tinkers Nursery is split into 3 groups, Tiny Tinkers, Little Tinkers and Big Tinkers. Tiny Tinkers which is the baby room and Little Tinkers for the toddlers. Children start Big Tinkers in the September before their 4th birthday as they start preparing for school.
The nursery is open each weekday from 8am to 6pm, for 51 weeks of the year. It is registered on the Early Years Register and both the compulsory and voluntary parts of the Childcare Register.
In addition to the regular team, there are trained professionals for tennis, drama and art who visit the nursery regularly and carry out activities with children. The nursery receives funding for the provision of free early education for children aged two, three and four years.
Our Vision
At Little Tinkers Nursery School we understand that supporting the physical development of children, as identified in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS 2023) is vitally important to all aspects of children’s learning and development.
Increasing evidence shows the link between inadequate early movement experience and learning delay. We believe opportunities for movement and physical activity are as important as any other prime area of learning.
Outdoor play is an integral part of this and in our setting we believe:
All children have the right to experience, explore and enjoy the essential and special nature of being outdoors.
All children should have free access to stimulating outdoor environments for learning through play and real experiences.
All children have the right to a well-designed, well organised integrated indoor and outdoor environment preferably available simultaneously.
Outdoor provision can and must offer young children experiences which have meaning to them and are led by them.
Children need all the adults around them to be committed and understand why outdoor play provision is essential.
The outdoors should be a flexible space where children can choose, create change and be in charge of their play environment with access to open ended equipment.
Young children need challenge and risk within a framework of security and safety. The outdoors lends itself to offer challenge, helping children learn how to be safe and be aware of others.
Outdoors provision must support inclusion and meet the need of individuals offering a diverse range of play experiences. Children should participate in decisions and actions affecting their outdoor play.
From the last OFSTED report:
"As children move through the nursery they clearly gain the skills they need for going to school. They are confident and keen to interact with the staff and others. They play cooperatively with other children and gain independence skills"
"Children gain independence and confidence as they make choices about their play in the welcoming and stimulating environment."
"The staff manage children's behaviour well. They are patient, calm and use humour appropriately that creates a positive environment. Children wait their turn, share resources when necessary and show they listen well. The staff help teach children how to keep safe."
"There are strong relationships with parents and staff engage positively with them to ensure their children receive the care they need. "