At Little Tinkers, we encourage the children to take part in a wide range of experiences to expand their skills and prepare them for each new stage of their life journey. We have specialist teachers who come in regularly to teach Drama and Tennis.
Greg, our tennis coach, comes to Tinkers on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. He has been working with us for 9 years and teaches the children valuable skills to help their physical development.
Greg's teaching is perfect for preschool children: he gives clear instructions; differentiates activities to take into account the age and ability of the children; even ensures the children are involved in tidying away at the end of the session!
The activities are designed to encourage the children to:
practice balance, agility and hand-eye co-ordination
develop throwing and receiving skills
increase their gross motor control
build strength and flexibility
develop their social skills by sharing and taking turns
understand positional language
If you would like to find out more, click on the link below.
Every Wednesday and Friday morning, the children take part in a drama session led by Alison, a fully qualified Pyjama Drama instructor. The emphasis is on role play and imagination where Imaginary worlds are created that the children explore together; recreating events, learning how to respond to different situations, meeting and communicating with different characters and learning how they fit in.
"Pyjama Drama doesn't just develop social skills; our classes are ideal for helping young children develop their physical skills too. Walking the tightrope in the Big Top helps us to master balancing, being a grasshopper strengthens our leg muscles, taking part in the Olympics enhances our fitness..." Pyjama Drama
Here are a few ways that Drama helps children's development: builds confidence; develops language and communication skills; assists physical development; develops creativity; encourages children to cooperate; helps concentration.
Children’s creative, expressive and physical development is closely linked with all aspects of their learning. Children should be given opportunities to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings through a variety of: art and design, music, movement, dance, dramatic and role-play activities. Through taking part in a range of well-planned activities, children’s fine and gross motor skills will develop, they will gain confidence in what they can do, and this will help build their self-esteem.'